The journal Quaderni di Scienze Politiche is inspired by a scientific tradition oriented to the study of political phenomena in their institutional and organizational expressions both internationally and within States. The founder of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Father Agostino Gemelli, affirmed in 1942 that law, history and politics constitute “a tripod” on which the Faculties of Political Science are founded. About twenty years later, Francesco Vito, successor of the founder in the Rectorate and previously Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, affirmed: “We remain faithful to the scientific tradition; the investigation of the political phenomenon cannot be exhausted without residues from a single scientific discipline. Historical, philosophical, legal and socio-economic studies contribute to the understanding of politics”. According to Gianfranco Miglio, Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University for thirty years, history is the privileged laboratory of any political research.

Come immagine caratterizzante della vocazione internazionalista dei Quaderni, è stata scelta la mappa disegnata nel 1507 dal cartografo tedesco Martin Waldseemüller (1470-1521), di grande importanza storica essendo la prima nella quale il Nuovo Continente scoperto da Cristoforo Colombo è denominato “America”. Nel 2005 tale mappa è stata dichiarata dall’UNESCO “Memoria del mondo”.

La rivista “Quaderni di Scienze Politiche”, in piena continuità con la precedente “Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche”, è stata collocata dall’Anvur (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System) nell’elenco delle riviste Scientifiche di Classe A per i Settori Concorsuali 14/B1 – Storia delle dottrine e delle istituzioni politiche e 14 B/2 – Storia delle relazioni internazionali, delle società e delle istituzioni extraeuropee.

The journal Quaderni di Scienze Politiche follows a scientific tradition of multi- and interdisciplinary study of politics based on history, political science and law. International history, international relations and international law are the fields covered. This internationalist approach is reflected by the cover image, i.e. the map drawn in 1507 by Martin Waldseemüller (1470-1521). This map has great historical importance as it is the first map in which the New Continent discovered by Christopher Columbus is called “America”. In 2005 this map was declared by UNESCO “Memory of the World”.