The articles published in the journal  “Quaderni di Scienze Politiche” are listed in the following indexes:

Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine - BASICGoogle Scholar, …

The magazine "Quaderni di Scienze Politiche", in full continuity with the previous "Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche", has been placed by Anvur (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System) nell’elenco delle riviste Scientifiche di Classe A per i Settori Concorsuali 14/B1 – Storia delle dottrine e delle istituzioni politiche e 14 B/2 – Storia delle relazioni internazionali, delle società e delle istituzioni extraeuropee.

Referral procedure

In accordance with the “Regulations for the classification of journals in non-bibliometric areas”, approved by the Board of Directors of the Antwerp on 21 July 2016, all contributions published by the journal are previously submitted to the scrutiny of two anonymous experts outside the Editorial Board (double-blind peer review), designated by the Chief Director, the Editorial Board and, if appropriate, by the International Advisory Board.

The Editorial Board and the Chief Director reserve the final decision on the publication of each contribution received.

At the end of the reporting procedure, the evaluation forms and a brief judgement of their work will be sent to each author.

The names of the external referees will be updated every two years in the journal and on this website.

Code of Ethics

Quaderni di Scienze Politiche is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which adopts a code of ethics for publications inspired by the code developed by COPE and shared by the Chief Director, the Editorial Committee, the International Advisory Board, the authors and the referees.

Duties of the Editorial Board and the Director responsible

No discrimination: the Editorial Board and the Chief Director evaluate the articles proposed for publication on the basis of their content without any discrimination.

Confidentiality: the Editorial Board and the Chief Director commit not to disclose information on the proposed articles to any person other than the author, the referees and the publisher.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: the Editorial Board and the Chief Director commit not to make use of the contents of an article proposed for publication in their research without the written consent of the author.

Decisions on publication: the decision as to whether or not to publish the proposed articles is a matter for the Editorial Board and the Chief Director, and, if appropriate, the International Advisory Board. This judgement is, however, taken on the basis of the results of the referral procedure (double-blind peer review), made by referees outside the journal.

Advertising of the referral procedure: the Editorial Board and the Chief Director commit to make explicit the criteria of the referral procedure and to publish the names of referees, every two years, on the journal’s website.

Referees' duties

Contribution to the editorial decision: peer-review is a procedure that helps the Editorial Board in making decisions on proposed articles; it does not result in a negative/positive judgement, but allows the author to improve his\her contribution (peer-review has pedagogical value).

Respect for the deadlines: if the referee believes that he/she is not adequate to the proposed task or that he/she cannot respect the deadline, he/she shall immediately notify the coordinators.

Confidentiality: any text assigned must be considered confidential; therefore, the texts must not be discussed with other persons without the express authorisation of the editors.

Objectivity: peer review must be carried out objectively; any personal judgement of the author is inappropriate; referees are required to give adequate reasons for their judgments.

Indication of texts: referees commit to indicate precisely the bibliographic sources of works of fundamental importance that may have been neglected by the author; the referee must also inform the editors of any similarities or overlapping of the text received with other works known to him\her.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: all information obtained during the peer-review process must be considered confidential and must not be used for any other purpose; referees are required not to accept articles for reading if they should come directly or indirectly or even incidentally to know the author’s name and if there is a conflict of interest with them.

Duties of the authors

Originality and plagiarism: the authors are required to declare that they have composed an entirely original work.

Multiple, repetitive and/or competing publications: authors cannot propose contemporaneously the same text to other journals.

Indication of sources: authors must always provide the correct indication of sources and contributions mentioned in the article.

Paternity of the work: authorship must be correctly attributed and everyone who contributed significantly to the ideation, organization, implementation, and reworking of the research behind the article must be listed as a co-author.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: authors must avoid conflict of interest which could affect the achieved results or the proposed interpretations; authors must also indicate the research/project funding bodies, if any.

Errors in published articles: if an author identifies a significant error in one of his\her articles published by the journal, he\she is required to notify that to the Editorial Secretary of the journal, providing him\her all the necessary information in order to correct the error; the errata corrige will appear on the journal’s website and\or in the next issue.